
Monday, June 25, 2012

‘The Greatest Indian Ever’ Mulkiat Singh Bahal

Mulkiat Singh Bahal
‘The Greatest Indian Ever’

As you are all aware there is a survey in the Indian media, the greatest Indian after Ghandi.

Indian history has a catalogue of great people, because they have done great work for humanity. They were all born as ordinary people, but because they have done great work, they have become great. From Buddha, to Ashoka the Great, our saints in the medieval period, to our modern forefathers, such as, Shahu Ji Maraj, Joyti Ba Phule and Dr Ambedkar. They are all known for their great work. It is my belief that Babasaheb Ambedkar is the greatest ever.

Why I came to this conclusion, is –
1. He was a man who was born in one of the most degraded of all communities, deprived of human dignity and deprived of all basic needs.
2. Despite of all his difficulties, he studied home and abroad, and achieved some remarkable qualifications and knowledge from world renowned institutions.
3. He was the man who used all his intellect and wisdom, not for his own sake, but for the sake of millions and millions of people he hardly knew to liberate them from the same conditions he was born into.
4. It was only his sacrifices and struggles that were responsible for pulling out millions of Mulnivasi Indians out of the miserable and wicked conditions, in spite of his biggest opposition from Ghandi and congress.
5. His sheer determination and relentless efforts made him the chairperson of India’s constitution in 1946, where he managed to demolish the two thousand year old citadel of Bhraminical social, economic, political and religious hegemony and gave the opportunity to millions to exercise their talents and abilities in the fields they were best.
6. It took Bhramins three to four thousand years to establish their slavery on the Mulnivasi Indians, the indigenous people. But it took only forty years, to this the great son of India, to transform and reverse these helpless slaves into equal citizens of India, and establish the new democracy giving everybody fundamental rights based on equality, liberty, fraternity and justice for all citizens.

There is a catalogue of his services and achievements I can list as to why he is the greatest, but to add to why he is the greatest Indian ever, one has to observe pre and post periods of Mulnivasi history and their social, economic, political and religious conditions of his period. Whether the Bhraminical controlled Indian media do any justice to him or not I expect these eighty per cent Mulnivasi Indians, to stand behind him

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