11:54pm May 28
Mr. Harish Trivedi,
I read your article “THE NEW UNTOUCHABILITY ( IRONICALLY, AMBEDKAR’S SUPPORTRS NOW PRONOUNCE HIM BEYOND THE) in The Times of India daily newspaper on dated 26.05.2012.
After reading the whole article I noticed that this is one more criticism which is being made on Dr.B.R.Ambedkar (THE FATHER OF INDIAN CONSTITUTION). The allegations and criticism made by you adds one more childish try to the same chapter. The criticism made by you is not new to hear/read as many of your counterparts have tried to do the same thing in the recent past since 1951.
Writing a constitution of any nation is not an easy task. It becomes more difficult when we think of India where hundreds of castes, races, religions, traditions, beliefs, customs are prevailing. Therefore it needs Top Class mastery over the World Constitutions, Top Class Political Knowledge and brilliance, Top class Philosopher who can study the past, analyze the present and could foresee the future, it needs great knowledge of difference civilizations, society and culture and also the legal knowledge command, in depth knowledge of world history, Democracy, Anarchy, Imperialism etc., and the knowledge of different administrations and its branches. Constitution can be made only by such person who has in depth knowledge of Law and Social System of the countries. It becomes more difficult when it comes to India wherein the larger section of people lived in thousand years in slavery, experienced several atrocities. After being ruled by Britishers for more than 150 years I feel it’s a miracle to write the constitution of India. And that miracle could become possible only because of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar.
It is well known that the Indian society has never digested the fact that the greatest constitution has been written by AN UNTOUCHABLE. Therefore it is evident that time and again Dr.B.R.Ambedkar’s role in writing constitution is a subject of serious criticism.
Mussolini says “ if untruth is said hundred times people start accepting the untruth as truth”. The given example suits in the Indian context. It has been seen for 64 years now, every small or big so called writer and intellectual (including the masses who are least aware of constitution) criticizes Dr.B.R.Ambedkar for writing such constitution and also deny that he is the father of Indian constitution. It is natural that their stomach pain with the fact that the constitution is been written by an untouchable. Right from Valmiki Choudhary to Arun Shourie, and Vallab Bhai panth to Mr.L.K.Advani, each of them and many others criticized the Indian Constitution and Dr.B.R Ambedakar’s role as the father of the Constitution.
In the same line Mr.Harish Trivedi tried to through one more stone on the great constitution and Dr.B.R.Ambedkar in his article published in The Times of India on 26th November 2012. It seems to me that this is a childish try to become famous. The following is the extract and my answer on his criticism…
PARA 1 :- He mentioned that the cartoon would have not caused much offence had it been on any other national leaders or add other leaders too, it is well known by the whole world that the Indian constitution has been written by none other than Dr.B.R.Ambedkar. Hence it is natural that his followers would not accept any criticism against the father of the Indian constitution. Arun Shourie also tried few years back by omitting his anger on Dr.B.R.Ambedkar and his followers by saying that “the followers of Ambedkar seems to be fool as they rever Indian constitution as their religious text and Ambedkar as a God. In the same line of critcizm As you said “ It is not about what was done, it is about who was supposed to have done it” if you read the whole constitutional debates and history of making of Indian constitution keenly, you would understand and realize what was true.
Reply:- I would like to refer one incident of constitutional making. In his book “Constitution In Making” Mr. B.N. Rao writes that He and a committee of few members travelled all over the world for recommending B.N. Rao’s name for writing Indian constitution. Later on the same committee goes to England and meets Prof.Jennings, a renowned political science philosopher. Prof. Jennings laughs at the them and says that “there is a person in your own country whom we refer several times. He is political science genius having abundant knowledge and command on all the world constitutions and political science, his name is DR.B.R.AMBEDKAR. Prof. Jennings further says that, “I don’t understand why you people are travelling everywhere when there is already a master of all world constitutions in your own country”. After being insulted in the hands of Prof. Jennings, the said committee headed by Mr. B. N. Rau returns to India and as a result we see Dr. B. R. Ambedkar in the Parliament being elected from Bombay. ( there is a detailed history behind it)
PARA 2:- as you have raised a doubt on THE ROLE OF DR.B.R.AMBEDKAR IN FRAMING THE CONSTITUTION…it is really very irresponsible statement by a so-called professor like you to ask such a childish question. You could have referred the constitutional history and commented on the role of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar in framing constitution.
Apart from Dr.B.R.Ambedkar the following members were there in the Drafting Committee.
1. N.Gopal swami Iyangar
2. Alladi Krishna Swami Iyangar
3. Sayyed Mohammad Sadulla,
4. K.M.Munshi
6.D.P. Khaitan (T.T.Krishnamchary after the death of Khaitan in 1948.)
Dr.Rajendra Prasad was the President of Constituent Assembly.
Mr.Trivedi, though there were the above committee members in the Drafting Committee, NOT EVEN A SINGLE PERSON WORKED FOR FRAMING UP THE INDIAN CONSTITUTION. I would like to remind you few statements made by the eminent personalities, they are as follows…
“ There were 7 members appointed in the Constitutional Assemble, One of them resigned, whose place was empty all the time, one person died and that place was also empty, one member used to lived in America, ultimately his place also remained empty, one member was busy with his political duties and could not spare time in the Assembly, one or two people were out of Delhi hence it was impossible for them to adjust in Delhi’s cold weather. Ultimately the whole responsibility of framing of constitution shouldered on Dr.Ambedkar. We all are obliged and grateful to Dr.Ambedkar, who could complete the tough task of drafting the constitution alone. Therefore his work is truly appreciable.
(Mr.T.T.Krishnamchari in Constitutional Assemble Debate,
“ I would not accept that Dr.Ambedkar’s work of making Indian Constitution is like Hercules, because that is also an unequal comparison altogether” –
( R.V.Dhulekar C and D Vol.11.)
“ I would say that Dr.Ambedkar’s role in making constitution is very important. No other member have worked so hard, taking so much pain and strain with utmost care that has been taken by Dr.Ambedkar ( Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru)
“Dr.Ambedkar is not only the Father of Indian Constitution but also The Mother….(Dr.K.V.Rao)
Lastly the president of the Drafting Committee also praised Dr.B.R.Ambedkar saying that “if we have taken any correct decision sitting on this chair that must be to elect Dr.B.R.Ambedkar as the Chairman of Drafting Committee.” It is well proven by the above said statements on the contribution of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar for making the Indian Constitution. I hope the above given reference are enough to show the role or Dr.B.R.Ambedkar in framing Indian Constitution. The above statements are of those national leaders whom everyone reveres with utmost respect. If we deny these statement then it means we don’t accept the above names and do not respect their statements. I hope that I don’t need other references to show you furthermore the role of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar in making Indian constitution. If you are ready we can have a detailed debate/discussion on any place mentioned by you at any given time. I am ready to come to your place for any constitutional debate.
Next doubt raised by you i.e. THE CONSTITUTION DID TAKE A LONG TIME TO FRAME. Again I would like you to refer the same constitutional history wherein you can find the actual time taken for writing the Indian constitution. The constituent Assemble came into being in November, 1946. Its members were elected in July, 1946. Out of 296 seats of British India, the Congress captured 211 seats and the Muslim League 73 seats. The rest were not filled up. The constituent Assemble met for the first time in New Delhi on December 9, 1946. The Muslim League refused to participate in its deliberations. In spite of this, the Assembly made a substantial progress. The objective resolution was passed on January 22, 1947, which later became the Preamble of the Constitution.
As a result of Partition under the PLAN OF JUNE 3, 1947, a separate Constitution Assembly was set up for Pakistan on July 16, 1947. The representatives of Bengal, Punjab, Sind, North Western Frontier Province, Baluchistan and the Sylhet district of Assam (which had joined Pakistan by a referendum) ceased to be members of the Assembly of India (which was constituted in 1946) and there was a fresh election in the new Provinces of West Bengal and East Punjab. In the result, when the Constituent Assemble reassembled on the 31st October, 1947(after Independence) the membership of the House was reduced to 299.
The Constituent Assemble appointed a Drafting Committee on 29th August, 1947 under the Chairmanship of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar.
When the drafting committee began its work the problem of federation with the Native States had ceased to exist, as the Native States which acceded to India merged in India( after the few suggestion given by Dr.B.R.Ambedakar to Vallab bhai Panth). Now the point to be noted is the critics must observe the time which was wasted during the above said period. Even though we could see that our constitution came in force only in 2years 11 months and 18 days. It is totally illogical on part of the writer to say that the constitution has taken long time in to frame.
The “Draft Constitution” prepared by the Drafting Committee under the Chairmanship of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar was published in January, 1948. The people of India were given 8 months to discuss the draft and propose amendments. As many as 7,635 amendments were proposed and 2,473 were actually discussed. These all amendments were checked and studied by Dr.B.R.Ambedkar alone during the making and this has been accepted by the whole constituent assembly. If we compare the duration of writing the other world constitutions and the Indian constitution (having 395 Articles, 8 Schedules and several parts) it is difficult task to complete writing such a vast constitution in the given spare of time i.e 2 years 11 months and 18 days.( I would suggest you to refer the other world constitution and the actual time in writing them). But unfortunately rather praising for the less time taken by Dr.B.R.Ambedkar in writing constitution we feel honored to criticize him for delaying in framing up constitution.
It is a clear sign of degrading the great constitution and Dr.B.R.Ambedkar alleging that he had taken a long time to write the constitution. And even if we say that it has taken a long time to prepare the constitution then the blame should be taken by the then national leader who always obstructed Dr.B.R.Ambedkar in drafting the constitution.
PARA 3:- the next criticism made by you ie. AMBEDKAR WAS DECIDEDLY NOT THE ‘AUTHOR’ OF OUR CONSTITION…this is also not a new criticism being made on Dr.B.R.Ambedkar. it has become a tradition for those who deny the fact that Dr.B.R.Ambedkar is the only father of the constitution, and Mr.Trivedi’s criticism is also in the same line. I have already given enough examples above to prove that Dr.B.R.Ambedkar is the only father of the Indian constitution. To strengthen my argument, I would mention a anonymous statement which reads as “I have seen only two persons working hard day and night in the constitution making and they are Dr.B.R.Ambedkar and his Dog Tobby”.
Mr.Trivedi, according to you Dr.B.R.Ambedkar is not single author of the constitution and there are many other people who contributed in the making of constitution. I would like to ask you a question…will you give credit in constructing your house to the Engineer or those people who brought the Raw-Material for constructing your house..? According to you who constructed the house..! The Engineer..or..the labors who brought the Raw-Materials..? if you give the whole credit to the workers who brought the raw material for constructing the house, then as per one of my reference given above, THE DOG “TOBBY” MUST BE GIVEN HIS DUE CREDIT FOR NOT SLEEPING WHOLE NIGHT DURING THE CONSTITUTION MAKING…!why does his contribution should be denied? Isn’t it..!
It is said that Mr.B.N.Rao prepared a draft constitution and gave it to Dr.B.R.Ambedkar. Basing on the information given by him in the draft, Dr.Ambedakar could write the constitution. Mr.Trivedi, I would suggest you to read the constitutional debates once again and the words of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar. You would notice that Dr.Ambedkar denied most of the provisions given by Mr.B.N.Rao in his draft. You could also observe that Mr.B.N Rao was never present in the Assemble in debates because he was totally upset by the election of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar as the Chairman of Drafting Committee. Later on he left to Hegue country and lived his rest of life there itself.
As you said that “the constitution is a collaborative document, of which each member of a constituent assemble could equally be called an author.” I already gave exact words of Mr.T.T.Krishnamchary on the role played by other committee members. Not even a single committee member put up their efforts in writing the constitution. On which base anyone can claim to be the author of constitution without giving his time and effort..? if this is so then as I said The Dog “ Tobby” would also be given his credit..! isn’t it?
PARA 4:- as claimed by you and many other critics that Dr.Ambedkar prepared the constitution on the “ draft already been prepared on the basis of the reposts of various committees comprising numerous members of the constituent assembly. These reports were then compiled and collated by the secretariat of the assembly led by SN Mukherjee, who was the chief draftsman, and by an expert ‘Constitutional Advisor’ named BN Rau.”
Reply:- Mr.Trivedi, The Constituent Assemble met in November, 1948 to consider the provisions of the Draft, clause by clause, After several sessions in consideration of the clauses, second reading was completed by 17th October, 1949. The Constituent Assembly again sat on 14th November 1949. The Constituent Assembly held 11 Sessions. The Draft Constitution was considered for 114 days. As many as 7,635 amendments were proposed and 2,473 were actually discussed. Dr.B.R.Ambedkar referred all the amendments which came to him, discussed all of them in the Assemble and proposed only the above said issues in the Assembly. I could hardly see during all this process there is any role of Mr.SN Mukherjee or BN Rau in the assemble, in fact when Mr.BN Rao understood that he will not be given any place in the Constituent Assembly, he left India forever and settled in Hegue, he never returned India thereafter. So it is baseless in saying that BN Rau contributed during the assembly discussion.( Read Constitution In Making – B.N Rau) In relation to the Constitutional Advisory Committee, the committee itself took advises from Dr.B.R.Ambedkar when the question of unification of various institutions(Native States) came up. Hence it is totally baseless to claim that the draft was already prepared and Dr.Ambedkar used the same draft in writing the constitution and even the role of Advisory Committee.
It to bring into your notice that Dr.Ambedkar has been acknowledged by whole world as the father of Indian Constitution. Hungary(a country) has schools, collages and universities in the name of Dr.Ambedkar, even The President of U.S.A. Mr.Barack Obama acknowledged Dr.Ambedkar as the father of Indian Constitution. In “The Principles of Social And Political Theory” written by Prof.Arnest Walker, he has dedicated his book to the Preamble of Indian Constitution. It is accepted by the whole world that Dr.Ambedkar’s political and Constitutional vision is on par with the world philosophers, his vision and wisdom to foresee the future Is unmatched in all over the world and therefore whole world rever him as a constitutional father and a philosophical mastermind, who has given this world the Masterpiece Gem of Parliamentarian Democracy in the form of Indian Constitution.
It is a sign of every great personalities that they don’t take credit of their work. They always give credit to others. Dr.B.R.Ambedkar did the same thing by acknowledging every member of the committee for making up the constitution. It was his big heart that he acknowledged every member, but it is sad and unfortunate that the Indian society and the so-called educated people like you doesn’t acknowledge nor be thankful to Dr.B.R.Ambedakr for his great work. Rather people feel great honor by criticizing the constitution and its father Dr.B.R.Ambedakar.
To comment on the last Paragraph of your article where you mentioned that “ there is an Ambedkar who contributed to our Constitution, and there is another Ambedkar who is the father figure of dalit power. In our present political scenario, because the latter is sacrosanct, therefore the former cannot be touched with a bargepole either. Thus, ironically, Ambedkar is now again ‘untouchable’…agreeing with your comments that there are two Ambedakar, one contributed to our constitution and one is the father figure of dalits. There is one more Ambedkar… rising in the world scenario which is not been acknowledged by the poor Indian intellectuals. The whole world is now studying Dr.Ambedkar as a philosopher, as an emancipator of crores of backward classes of India, who rose against the tyranny of brahmnical atrocities and liberated his people from the mental slavery, who alone rose against the thousand old mental and physical slavery and gave millions of people a new era of Liberty, Equality Fraternity and Justice. The whole world is studying and following his contribution for Humanitarian Principles which have universal appeal. That’s the reason why Columbia University honored Dr.B.R.Ambedkar as THE MOST REMARKABLE COLUMBIAN and placed him among the TOP 4 PEOPLE WHO CONTRIBUTED IN THE MAKING OF UNIVERSE. (Refer book THE MAKERS OF UNIVERSE.)
“ Hallat ke Kadmo pe kalander nahi jhukata, tute bhi taraa vo zamin pe nahi girta,
Milti hai bade shouk se samander me dariya, lekin kabhi samander dariya me nahi milta…”
Adv Mahendra Jadhav (LLM)
Ph: 08008754848
Mr. Harish Trivedi,
I read your article “THE NEW UNTOUCHABILITY ( IRONICALLY, AMBEDKAR’S SUPPORTRS NOW PRONOUNCE HIM BEYOND THE) in The Times of India daily newspaper on dated 26.05.2012.
After reading the whole article I noticed that this is one more criticism which is being made on Dr.B.R.Ambedkar (THE FATHER OF INDIAN CONSTITUTION). The allegations and criticism made by you adds one more childish try to the same chapter. The criticism made by you is not new to hear/read as many of your counterparts have tried to do the same thing in the recent past since 1951.
Writing a constitution of any nation is not an easy task. It becomes more difficult when we think of India where hundreds of castes, races, religions, traditions, beliefs, customs are prevailing. Therefore it needs Top Class mastery over the World Constitutions, Top Class Political Knowledge and brilliance, Top class Philosopher who can study the past, analyze the present and could foresee the future, it needs great knowledge of difference civilizations, society and culture and also the legal knowledge command, in depth knowledge of world history, Democracy, Anarchy, Imperialism etc., and the knowledge of different administrations and its branches. Constitution can be made only by such person who has in depth knowledge of Law and Social System of the countries. It becomes more difficult when it comes to India wherein the larger section of people lived in thousand years in slavery, experienced several atrocities. After being ruled by Britishers for more than 150 years I feel it’s a miracle to write the constitution of India. And that miracle could become possible only because of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar.
It is well known that the Indian society has never digested the fact that the greatest constitution has been written by AN UNTOUCHABLE. Therefore it is evident that time and again Dr.B.R.Ambedkar’s role in writing constitution is a subject of serious criticism.
Mussolini says “ if untruth is said hundred times people start accepting the untruth as truth”. The given example suits in the Indian context. It has been seen for 64 years now, every small or big so called writer and intellectual (including the masses who are least aware of constitution) criticizes Dr.B.R.Ambedkar for writing such constitution and also deny that he is the father of Indian constitution. It is natural that their stomach pain with the fact that the constitution is been written by an untouchable. Right from Valmiki Choudhary to Arun Shourie, and Vallab Bhai panth to Mr.L.K.Advani, each of them and many others criticized the Indian Constitution and Dr.B.R Ambedakar’s role as the father of the Constitution.
In the same line Mr.Harish Trivedi tried to through one more stone on the great constitution and Dr.B.R.Ambedkar in his article published in The Times of India on 26th November 2012. It seems to me that this is a childish try to become famous. The following is the extract and my answer on his criticism…
PARA 1 :- He mentioned that the cartoon would have not caused much offence had it been on any other national leaders or add other leaders too, it is well known by the whole world that the Indian constitution has been written by none other than Dr.B.R.Ambedkar. Hence it is natural that his followers would not accept any criticism against the father of the Indian constitution. Arun Shourie also tried few years back by omitting his anger on Dr.B.R.Ambedkar and his followers by saying that “the followers of Ambedkar seems to be fool as they rever Indian constitution as their religious text and Ambedkar as a God. In the same line of critcizm As you said “ It is not about what was done, it is about who was supposed to have done it” if you read the whole constitutional debates and history of making of Indian constitution keenly, you would understand and realize what was true.
Reply:- I would like to refer one incident of constitutional making. In his book “Constitution In Making” Mr. B.N. Rao writes that He and a committee of few members travelled all over the world for recommending B.N. Rao’s name for writing Indian constitution. Later on the same committee goes to England and meets Prof.Jennings, a renowned political science philosopher. Prof. Jennings laughs at the them and says that “there is a person in your own country whom we refer several times. He is political science genius having abundant knowledge and command on all the world constitutions and political science, his name is DR.B.R.AMBEDKAR. Prof. Jennings further says that, “I don’t understand why you people are travelling everywhere when there is already a master of all world constitutions in your own country”. After being insulted in the hands of Prof. Jennings, the said committee headed by Mr. B. N. Rau returns to India and as a result we see Dr. B. R. Ambedkar in the Parliament being elected from Bombay. ( there is a detailed history behind it)
PARA 2:- as you have raised a doubt on THE ROLE OF DR.B.R.AMBEDKAR IN FRAMING THE CONSTITUTION…it is really very irresponsible statement by a so-called professor like you to ask such a childish question. You could have referred the constitutional history and commented on the role of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar in framing constitution.
Apart from Dr.B.R.Ambedkar the following members were there in the Drafting Committee.
1. N.Gopal swami Iyangar
2. Alladi Krishna Swami Iyangar
3. Sayyed Mohammad Sadulla,
4. K.M.Munshi
6.D.P. Khaitan (T.T.Krishnamchary after the death of Khaitan in 1948.)
Dr.Rajendra Prasad was the President of Constituent Assembly.
Mr.Trivedi, though there were the above committee members in the Drafting Committee, NOT EVEN A SINGLE PERSON WORKED FOR FRAMING UP THE INDIAN CONSTITUTION. I would like to remind you few statements made by the eminent personalities, they are as follows…
“ There were 7 members appointed in the Constitutional Assemble, One of them resigned, whose place was empty all the time, one person died and that place was also empty, one member used to lived in America, ultimately his place also remained empty, one member was busy with his political duties and could not spare time in the Assembly, one or two people were out of Delhi hence it was impossible for them to adjust in Delhi’s cold weather. Ultimately the whole responsibility of framing of constitution shouldered on Dr.Ambedkar. We all are obliged and grateful to Dr.Ambedkar, who could complete the tough task of drafting the constitution alone. Therefore his work is truly appreciable.
(Mr.T.T.Krishnamchari in Constitutional Assemble Debate,
“ I would not accept that Dr.Ambedkar’s work of making Indian Constitution is like Hercules, because that is also an unequal comparison altogether” –
( R.V.Dhulekar C and D Vol.11.)
“ I would say that Dr.Ambedkar’s role in making constitution is very important. No other member have worked so hard, taking so much pain and strain with utmost care that has been taken by Dr.Ambedkar ( Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru)
“Dr.Ambedkar is not only the Father of Indian Constitution but also The Mother….(Dr.K.V.Rao)
Lastly the president of the Drafting Committee also praised Dr.B.R.Ambedkar saying that “if we have taken any correct decision sitting on this chair that must be to elect Dr.B.R.Ambedkar as the Chairman of Drafting Committee.” It is well proven by the above said statements on the contribution of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar for making the Indian Constitution. I hope the above given reference are enough to show the role or Dr.B.R.Ambedkar in framing Indian Constitution. The above statements are of those national leaders whom everyone reveres with utmost respect. If we deny these statement then it means we don’t accept the above names and do not respect their statements. I hope that I don’t need other references to show you furthermore the role of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar in making Indian constitution. If you are ready we can have a detailed debate/discussion on any place mentioned by you at any given time. I am ready to come to your place for any constitutional debate.
Next doubt raised by you i.e. THE CONSTITUTION DID TAKE A LONG TIME TO FRAME. Again I would like you to refer the same constitutional history wherein you can find the actual time taken for writing the Indian constitution. The constituent Assemble came into being in November, 1946. Its members were elected in July, 1946. Out of 296 seats of British India, the Congress captured 211 seats and the Muslim League 73 seats. The rest were not filled up. The constituent Assemble met for the first time in New Delhi on December 9, 1946. The Muslim League refused to participate in its deliberations. In spite of this, the Assembly made a substantial progress. The objective resolution was passed on January 22, 1947, which later became the Preamble of the Constitution.
As a result of Partition under the PLAN OF JUNE 3, 1947, a separate Constitution Assembly was set up for Pakistan on July 16, 1947. The representatives of Bengal, Punjab, Sind, North Western Frontier Province, Baluchistan and the Sylhet district of Assam (which had joined Pakistan by a referendum) ceased to be members of the Assembly of India (which was constituted in 1946) and there was a fresh election in the new Provinces of West Bengal and East Punjab. In the result, when the Constituent Assemble reassembled on the 31st October, 1947(after Independence) the membership of the House was reduced to 299.
The Constituent Assemble appointed a Drafting Committee on 29th August, 1947 under the Chairmanship of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar.
When the drafting committee began its work the problem of federation with the Native States had ceased to exist, as the Native States which acceded to India merged in India( after the few suggestion given by Dr.B.R.Ambedakar to Vallab bhai Panth). Now the point to be noted is the critics must observe the time which was wasted during the above said period. Even though we could see that our constitution came in force only in 2years 11 months and 18 days. It is totally illogical on part of the writer to say that the constitution has taken long time in to frame.
The “Draft Constitution” prepared by the Drafting Committee under the Chairmanship of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar was published in January, 1948. The people of India were given 8 months to discuss the draft and propose amendments. As many as 7,635 amendments were proposed and 2,473 were actually discussed. These all amendments were checked and studied by Dr.B.R.Ambedkar alone during the making and this has been accepted by the whole constituent assembly. If we compare the duration of writing the other world constitutions and the Indian constitution (having 395 Articles, 8 Schedules and several parts) it is difficult task to complete writing such a vast constitution in the given spare of time i.e 2 years 11 months and 18 days.( I would suggest you to refer the other world constitution and the actual time in writing them). But unfortunately rather praising for the less time taken by Dr.B.R.Ambedkar in writing constitution we feel honored to criticize him for delaying in framing up constitution.
It is a clear sign of degrading the great constitution and Dr.B.R.Ambedkar alleging that he had taken a long time to write the constitution. And even if we say that it has taken a long time to prepare the constitution then the blame should be taken by the then national leader who always obstructed Dr.B.R.Ambedkar in drafting the constitution.
PARA 3:- the next criticism made by you ie. AMBEDKAR WAS DECIDEDLY NOT THE ‘AUTHOR’ OF OUR CONSTITION…this is also not a new criticism being made on Dr.B.R.Ambedkar. it has become a tradition for those who deny the fact that Dr.B.R.Ambedkar is the only father of the constitution, and Mr.Trivedi’s criticism is also in the same line. I have already given enough examples above to prove that Dr.B.R.Ambedkar is the only father of the Indian constitution. To strengthen my argument, I would mention a anonymous statement which reads as “I have seen only two persons working hard day and night in the constitution making and they are Dr.B.R.Ambedkar and his Dog Tobby”.
Mr.Trivedi, according to you Dr.B.R.Ambedkar is not single author of the constitution and there are many other people who contributed in the making of constitution. I would like to ask you a question…will you give credit in constructing your house to the Engineer or those people who brought the Raw-Material for constructing your house..? According to you who constructed the house..! The Engineer..or..the labors who brought the Raw-Materials..? if you give the whole credit to the workers who brought the raw material for constructing the house, then as per one of my reference given above, THE DOG “TOBBY” MUST BE GIVEN HIS DUE CREDIT FOR NOT SLEEPING WHOLE NIGHT DURING THE CONSTITUTION MAKING…!why does his contribution should be denied? Isn’t it..!
It is said that Mr.B.N.Rao prepared a draft constitution and gave it to Dr.B.R.Ambedkar. Basing on the information given by him in the draft, Dr.Ambedakar could write the constitution. Mr.Trivedi, I would suggest you to read the constitutional debates once again and the words of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar. You would notice that Dr.Ambedkar denied most of the provisions given by Mr.B.N.Rao in his draft. You could also observe that Mr.B.N Rao was never present in the Assemble in debates because he was totally upset by the election of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar as the Chairman of Drafting Committee. Later on he left to Hegue country and lived his rest of life there itself.
As you said that “the constitution is a collaborative document, of which each member of a constituent assemble could equally be called an author.” I already gave exact words of Mr.T.T.Krishnamchary on the role played by other committee members. Not even a single committee member put up their efforts in writing the constitution. On which base anyone can claim to be the author of constitution without giving his time and effort..? if this is so then as I said The Dog “ Tobby” would also be given his credit..! isn’t it?
PARA 4:- as claimed by you and many other critics that Dr.Ambedkar prepared the constitution on the “ draft already been prepared on the basis of the reposts of various committees comprising numerous members of the constituent assembly. These reports were then compiled and collated by the secretariat of the assembly led by SN Mukherjee, who was the chief draftsman, and by an expert ‘Constitutional Advisor’ named BN Rau.”
Reply:- Mr.Trivedi, The Constituent Assemble met in November, 1948 to consider the provisions of the Draft, clause by clause, After several sessions in consideration of the clauses, second reading was completed by 17th October, 1949. The Constituent Assembly again sat on 14th November 1949. The Constituent Assembly held 11 Sessions. The Draft Constitution was considered for 114 days. As many as 7,635 amendments were proposed and 2,473 were actually discussed. Dr.B.R.Ambedkar referred all the amendments which came to him, discussed all of them in the Assemble and proposed only the above said issues in the Assembly. I could hardly see during all this process there is any role of Mr.SN Mukherjee or BN Rau in the assemble, in fact when Mr.BN Rao understood that he will not be given any place in the Constituent Assembly, he left India forever and settled in Hegue, he never returned India thereafter. So it is baseless in saying that BN Rau contributed during the assembly discussion.( Read Constitution In Making – B.N Rau) In relation to the Constitutional Advisory Committee, the committee itself took advises from Dr.B.R.Ambedkar when the question of unification of various institutions(Native States) came up. Hence it is totally baseless to claim that the draft was already prepared and Dr.Ambedkar used the same draft in writing the constitution and even the role of Advisory Committee.
It to bring into your notice that Dr.Ambedkar has been acknowledged by whole world as the father of Indian Constitution. Hungary(a country) has schools, collages and universities in the name of Dr.Ambedkar, even The President of U.S.A. Mr.Barack Obama acknowledged Dr.Ambedkar as the father of Indian Constitution. In “The Principles of Social And Political Theory” written by Prof.Arnest Walker, he has dedicated his book to the Preamble of Indian Constitution. It is accepted by the whole world that Dr.Ambedkar’s political and Constitutional vision is on par with the world philosophers, his vision and wisdom to foresee the future Is unmatched in all over the world and therefore whole world rever him as a constitutional father and a philosophical mastermind, who has given this world the Masterpiece Gem of Parliamentarian Democracy in the form of Indian Constitution.
It is a sign of every great personalities that they don’t take credit of their work. They always give credit to others. Dr.B.R.Ambedkar did the same thing by acknowledging every member of the committee for making up the constitution. It was his big heart that he acknowledged every member, but it is sad and unfortunate that the Indian society and the so-called educated people like you doesn’t acknowledge nor be thankful to Dr.B.R.Ambedakr for his great work. Rather people feel great honor by criticizing the constitution and its father Dr.B.R.Ambedakar.
To comment on the last Paragraph of your article where you mentioned that “ there is an Ambedkar who contributed to our Constitution, and there is another Ambedkar who is the father figure of dalit power. In our present political scenario, because the latter is sacrosanct, therefore the former cannot be touched with a bargepole either. Thus, ironically, Ambedkar is now again ‘untouchable’…agreeing with your comments that there are two Ambedakar, one contributed to our constitution and one is the father figure of dalits. There is one more Ambedkar… rising in the world scenario which is not been acknowledged by the poor Indian intellectuals. The whole world is now studying Dr.Ambedkar as a philosopher, as an emancipator of crores of backward classes of India, who rose against the tyranny of brahmnical atrocities and liberated his people from the mental slavery, who alone rose against the thousand old mental and physical slavery and gave millions of people a new era of Liberty, Equality Fraternity and Justice. The whole world is studying and following his contribution for Humanitarian Principles which have universal appeal. That’s the reason why Columbia University honored Dr.B.R.Ambedkar as THE MOST REMARKABLE COLUMBIAN and placed him among the TOP 4 PEOPLE WHO CONTRIBUTED IN THE MAKING OF UNIVERSE. (Refer book THE MAKERS OF UNIVERSE.)
“ Hallat ke Kadmo pe kalander nahi jhukata, tute bhi taraa vo zamin pe nahi girta,
Milti hai bade shouk se samander me dariya, lekin kabhi samander dariya me nahi milta…”
Adv Mahendra Jadhav (LLM)
Ph: 08008754848
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